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Equity and Inclusion Scheme 2022-24

The impact of covid-19

The evidence base shows that inequalities have been exacerbated as a result of Covid-19. The protected characteristics most impacted by the pandemic and most likely to be impacted by the recession are young people, older people (due to the direct health impact), women, single parents (90% of whom are women), people from lower socio-economic groups and with lower educational levels, ethnic minorities and disabled people. These groups are more likely to be/have been affected for a number of reasons:

  • Risk of exposure to Covid-19 or/and severity of symptoms

  • Exacerbated wider health inequalities

  • Rising levels of unemployment and increased poverty levels

  • Accelerated automation impacting on this groups more

  • Covid-induced educational and skills inequalities

  • Increased transport barriers

  • Worsening mental health

  • Worsening physical activity levels

  • Domestic abuse risks

  • Increased risks of housing poverty or/and homelessness

  • Access to information and key support services